Friday, May 06, 2022

Yom HaAtzmaut treat: A Nava Tehila concert!

We went to Beth El Synagogue Center in New Rochelle, New York on the evening of Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel Independence Day) to join them for the inaugural concert of their Shoresh Halev Center for Jewish Music.  And what a time we had!
I spent most of the Nava Tehila concert in the back of the room, as usual--that's the best place to dance! And what wonderful music to dance to! As the crowd thinned out, though--between the commemoration of Yom HaZikaron (Israel Memorial Day), Maariv/Arvit/Evening Service (with Full Hallel and b'rachot, mostly sung) and the concert, the program had already run for at least two hours--the band asked those of us in the back to move forward and keep them company by filling in the empty spaces. So I found myself a spot up front but all the way to the right side (stage left) where I could dance without blocking anyone's view or interfering with the video cameras. What fun! My husband and I both joined in the circle dances whenever they happened, and danced our feet off. 🙂
At the very end of the concert, Daphna Rosenberg asked the audience to join the band onstage. About half of us did so. When Daphna started singing her "Shalom Aleichem," I joined her on the second verse, singing harmony. Much to my surprise, she turned around, took me by the hand, and brought me up front to stand next to her. What a generous-hearted thing to do.❤️
Afterward, we got to speak to Daphna, Yoel Sykes, and Coleen Dieker. Coleen and I even got a laugh comparing the surgical scars on our respective wrists. 🙂 
All in all, it was a wonderful evening. We hope to go to future concerts at Beth El's Shoresh Halev.


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